The Power of GitHub Pages - My 'AHA' Moment of August 2023

2023-09-01 | Reading time: 5 min

In August 2023, I embarked on a journey to create a series of websites for various conferences and ongoing projects. GitHub Pages became my trusted ally in this endeavor, and what I discovered along the way was a game-changer: the creation of page layout templates enriched with JavaScript magic.

Simplifying Content Management with Markdown

One of the key challenges when managing multiple conference websites is handling diverse content, such as timetables and abstracts. Thankfully, GitHub Pages allowed me to streamline this process by harnessing the power of Markdown files. With Markdown, I could effortlessly export data from various sources, including conference registration forms, and incorporate it into my websites.

The Page Layout Template: A Dynamic Solution

At the heart of my GitHub Pages-based conference websites lies a dynamic page layout template. This template utilizes JavaScript to extract and display information from simple Markdown files. Let’s take a glimpse at a shortened example of this template:

<div class="row">
  <h1>Poster #</h1>

This template enables me to dynamically populate content, such as poster numbers, titles, speakers, locations, and abstracts, from the corresponding Markdown files. The result is a beautifully crafted conference page that updates itself effortlessly whenever new data is available.

By embracing GitHub Pages and harnessing the power of page layout templates, I’ve been able to create and manage conference websites with ease. The ability to generate timetables, abstracts, and other crucial information from Markdown files has proven invaluable, saving time and ensuring that my conference websites stay up-to-date.

Whether you’re organizing conferences, managing projects, or simply looking for an efficient way to share information online, GitHub Pages and dynamic page templates can be your secret weapon. Give it a try, and watch your web content come to life effortlessly.

💝 I’d like to express my deep appreciation to the creators of the Jekyll Freelancer Theme the foundation upon which I built my active projects.