International Symposium on Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds (ISPPCC) 2023

2023-07-31 | Reading time: 5 min

An exhilarating gathering of around 300 participants took place at this year’s International Symposium on Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds (ISPPCC) 2023 in Ulm, where a stimulating exchange of scientific knowledge unfolded. As an invited speaker at the pre-conference for young researchers and early-career scientists, known as ySPPCC, I had a remarkable opportunity to present crucial academic career strategies to the enthusiastic audience.

During my talk titled Research Landscape in Germany and Career Strategies, I provided a comprehensive overview of the key actors, principles, and governance structure within the German research landscape. Additionally, I highlighted a curated selection of funding options tailored for various career phases, starting from the early-career postdoctorate phase and leading towards professor eligibility.

A pivotal aspect of my presentation was the emphasis on empowering the audience to navigate their unique career paths effectively. To this end, I encouraged them to reflect on four fundamental questions, which are instrumental in shaping personalized career strategies. These questions revolved around identifying their core values and strengths (‘I am good at …’ & ‘I love …’), envisioning their career vision and mission (‘I can be paid for …’ & ‘I want …’), and aligning these aspirations with their ultimate career goals.

The experience of connecting with such brilliant minds and scientists at the symposium was truly inspiring and a great pleasure. I relished the opportunity to share my own career strategy and ideas with the attendees, and I eagerly engaged in answering their questions and discussing their unique career journeys. Witnessing the exchange of insights and witnessing the potential impact of my guidance on their academic pursuits was immensely gratifying.

As I departed from the ISPPCC 2023, I felt invigorated by the collaborative spirit and the sense of purpose that permeated the event. The enthusiastic response from the audience reinforced the significance of disseminating career strategies and fostering a supportive community for young researchers and early-career scientists. I look forward to more opportunities in the future to contribute to the growth and success of aspiring academics and to continue learning from the remarkable minds that shape the scientific landscape. 👩‍🔬